Space sensors and instruments  

Learning Outcomes The module introduces students to the concept of remote sensing including the relevant technologies and provides insights into image processing and its applications. The topic connects the technologies and physical principles on the payload-side with the processing and use of satellite data on the application-side. The knowledge and skills gained in this module are relevant for students with a career interest in developing remote sensing payloads, analyzing satellite data, and systems engineering. After successful completion of this module, students will be able to - describe the basic principles of remote sensing, - summarize radiometric and photometric terms in remote sensing, - identify the components and sample circuits of sensor electronics, - explain different sampling concepts of optical sensors, - describe aberrations of optical systems, - name different types of lenses, telescopes, and filters, - describe the working principles of different sensor types across the electromagnetic spectrum, - describe data processing levels and calibration types, - research and analyze relevant publications in any subtopic of remote sensing, - apply data processing algorithms to satellite data, - develop own algorithms to classify imagery/features, - document code and research results in a journal-type report, - manage interactions with people in an interdisciplinary and international team, - present their work professionally within a project review. Content The module covers the basics of remote sensing with spacecraft. After covering the system-theoretical and electronic fundamentals, space sensors for gamma rays, X-rays, Ultra-Violet and visible light, for infrared and far-infrared radiation, and for microwaves are discussed. Calibration and ground data processing are elaborated finally. - Introduction to Earth observation - Electromagnetic waves - Earth observation system theory - Sensor electronics - Gama-ray sensors - UV and optical space sensor systems - Infrared sensor systems - Microwave sensor systems - Sensor data processing - Sensor calibration
Space sensors and instruments

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